
Alisp is a general programming language of the Lisp kind. To quote Wikipedia:

Lisp is an expression oriented language. Unlike most other languages, no distinction is made between “expressions” and “statements”; all code and data are written as expressions. When an expression is evaluated, it produces a value, which can then be embedded into other expressions. Each value can be any data type.

This means that each lisp program (respectively each alisp program) is comprised of nested s-expression. The have the general form:

(atom-1 atom-2 atom-3)

Each atomic expression can either be a symbol, a literal or result of the evaluation of another s-expression. An s-expression is evaluated by calling the function which is pointed by the head of the list. In the above case, the function pointed by atom-1. The arguments passed to the function will be the values of atom-2 and atom-3. If those are literals, their values are the objects themselves. If they are symbols, the value is the thing pointed by the symbol. Think of symbols as ids or variable names (more on them later).

Another example for s-expression is:

(atom-1 atom-2 (atom-3 atom-4 atom-5))

Here the inner most expression is e valuated first, and the result of that becomes the third value of the outermost:

(atom-1 atom-2 (atom-3 atom-4 atom-5)) -> (atom-1 atom-2 value-1)

A lisp interpreter always evaluates inner most expression first.

S-expression build the basic syntax of the Alisp language. This makes the syntax minimal in a sense.

Hello world#

Open your favorite text editor and type the following:

(println "Hello, Alisp")

Save the contents in a file “”. You can execute the script as Alisp program by executing:


in a terminal.

To briefly explain the example:

  • (println "Hello, Alisp") is a list of two atoms – the symbol println and the string "Hello, Alisp".
  • As this is a list form, the interpreter will execute the function pointed by the symbol at the head of the list – println – and the arguments for the function will be the rest of the list. In this case, "Hello, Alisp" is the only argument.
  • println is a built in function that writes a string to the standard output, so “Hello, Alisp” gets printed out to the terminal.


The comment syntax corresponds to the one of Emacs-lisp. The symbol ; is used to start a comment:

; (println "Hello world")
; comment line

In Alisp there is no notion of multi-line comment. For multi-line comment, just use ;; at the start of each line.


There are several types of literals in Alisp. When the parser read a literal, it creates an object of the corresponding data-type. Examples for literals in the code:

42       ;; this is integer value
42.42    ;; this is real value
"string" ;; this is real value

Char literals#

There is a spacial syntax for char literals. While in most languages 'a' is seen as the char literal for “a”, in Alisp the ' character is reserved and thus the syntax for char literals is a bit different. The question mark is used to indicate a char literal. The next symbol after ? is considered to be a char and an object with this char is constructed.X

?a     ;; this is a char value

Special characters can be escaped with \:

?\n ;; new line
?\t ;; tab
?\\ ;; the character "\"

Integer literals#

Integers can be written in a straight forward form, just like in any other language. 32 means the integer 32. There are, however, other way to write an integer. For example, a sequence of symbols prefixed with #x or #X will be read as an integer given in hexadecimal format. One can also write an integer in binary and octal format.

#b1001 ;; the integer 9 (1001 in binary)
#B1001 ;; the integer 9 (1001 in binary)

#xAA    ;; the integer 170 (AA in binary)
#XAA    ;; the integer 170 (AA in binary)

#o17    ;; the integer 15 (17 in ocal)
#O17    ;; the integer 15 (17 in ocal)

There are several builtin symbols that evaluate to themselves. Those are generally used to represent true and false.

t      ;; used as 'true' in most cotexts
nil    ;; used as 'false' in most cotexts

Real literals#

Real numbers can also be given in a simple manner:

42.42 ;; the value 42.42

Real values can also be written in scientific notation:

1.3e3   ;; the value 1300.0
1.3E-3  ;; the value 0.0013

String literals#

String literals are sequence of symbols enclosed in quotation marks

"string" ;; this is string with content 'string'

The “general” rules for string literals apply. You can escape characters with \ and the literal “\” characters is written as “\\” in a string. Characters in string literals can be given in octal or hexadecimal form with \o or \x followed by the sequence of symbols representing a number. The ASCII character with this number will be read. 32 bit Unicode is also allowed with prefacing a sequence with \u and giving a value the 32 bit Unicode standard.

"string with new line\n"
"string with hex char \xA"
"string with oct char \x27"
"string with unicode char \uAABE"


As previously said, symbols can be thought as variable names. In code those are given as a plain sequence of characters. Later we’ll see how variables are defined and symbols are used as names. For now, all you need to know is that symbols can contain any character from A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _, +, *, /, =, \ !, $, ?, \, |, @, :, <, >, &, ], + (characters are separated with commas).

Example of symbols:



Variables can be defined with the built-in construct defvar.

For example:

(defvar sym "initial value"
  "Documentaion for the varuable sym")

The documentation string is optional. The value can be any valid Alisp value including literal, quoted symbol or list. The value will be evaluated when defining a variable

Some more examples:

(defvar sym-1 "initial value")
(defvar sym-2 12)
(defvar sym-3 42.23)
(defvar sym-3 ?a)

Once a variable is defined, the symbol for this variable will evaluate to the value of the variables:

(defvar sym-1 "initial value")
(println sym-1) ;; Prints 'initial value'

Local variables#

defvar defines a global variable that will live till the end of the program. It is also possible to create local variables that are valid only within a scope. This is done through the let form. The general form is (let ([(var-name var-value)]...) BODY). In this case, the forms in BODY will be executed after the variables in the list are bound with the respective values. The variables will be accessible only in the body and will be destroyed after the let form has finish its execution.


(let ((sym-new-1 "new-variable 1")    ; sym-new-1 will be bound to "new-variable 1"
      (sym-new-2 "new-variable 2"))   ; sym-new-2 will be bound to "new-variable 2"
  (println sym-new-1))                ; -> new-variable 1

To note is that in the above example, one cannot use the value of sym-new-1 in the initialization of sym-new-2. However, if this is necessary, the let* form exists for this exact reason. With let* you can do something like:

(let* ((sym-new-1 "new-variable 1")
      (sym-new-2 sym-new-1))
  (println sym-new-1))

Setting variables#

The value of and variable can be changed through the setq form. It takes a variable as a first argument and a new value as its second argument. The variable has to be bound before either through let=/=let* or defvar.


(let ((sym-new-1 "new-variable 1")
      (sym-new-2 "new-variable 2"))
  (setq sym-new-1 "new value")   ; set sym-new-1 to "new value"
  (println sym-new-1))       ; -> new value


A function is defined with the built-in construct (defun ([ARG_LIST]) [DOC_STRING] [[S-EXPRESSION]...]). The body of the function is just a sequence of expressions that are evaluated one after another Once defined, a function can be called by placing it at the start of an s-expression.

Example of function definition:

(defun fun-1 ()     ;; defining a function
  (println "Hello from function"))

(fun-1)             ;; calling defined function


A function can also define an argument list. The value of each argument will be bound on function call.

(defvar fun-1 (a b c)
  (println a)
  (println b)
  (println c))

(fun-1 "a" "b" "c")

Optional arguments#

The argument list can contain optional arguments. All arguments after the keyword &optional are considered optional. On function call, the optional arguments will either be bound to nil or to the value supplied.

(defun fun-1 (a b c &optional d e)
  (println a)
  (println b)
  (println c)
  (println d)
  (println e))

(fun-1 "a" "b" "c" "d")      ;; d -> "d", e -> nil
(fun-1 "a" "b" "c" "d" "e")  ;; d -> "d", e -> "e"
(fun-1 "a" "b" "c")          ;; d -> nil, e -> nil

Rest arguments#

The argument list can also use the &rest keyword in order for the function to capture all of passed arguments on function call.

(defun fun-1 (a b c &optional d e &rest r)
  (println a)
  (println b)
  (println c)
  (println d)
  (println e))

(fun-1 "a" "b" "c" "d")              ;; d -> "d", e -> nil
(fun-1 "a" "b" "c" "d" "e")          ;; d -> "d", e -> "e"
(fun-1 "a" "b" "c")                  ;; d -> nil, e -> nil
(fun-1 "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f")      ;; d -> "d", e -> "e", r -> ("f")
(fun-1 "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g")  ;; d -> "d", e -> "e", r -> ("f" "g")


In ALisp lists are just s-expressions that are not evaluated. To create a list with elements, just quote a regular s-exp:

'("s1" "s2" "s3" "s3")

This is equivalent to

(quote ("s1" "s2" "s3" "s3"))

and quote just returns it’s first argument without evaluating it. This means that be evaluating '("s1" "s2" "s3" "s3"), you simply get ("s1" "s2" "s3" "s3"). The list can be then manipulated with the list-functions that alisp provides.

Lists can also contain arbitrary elements:

'("s1" 42 42.2 a)   ; -> ("s1" 42 42.2 a)

Flow control#

As any other language, alisp provides several constructs for controlling the flow of the execution of a program. Those constructs include conditional statements and loops. The next sections present and explain them.

Evaluating expressions#

In certain situations you’ll want to evaluate several forms at a place where a single form is required. For those situations, the progn from is provided. progn simply evaluates all of its arguments and returns the value of the last one. It can be used anywhere.

    (println "body")
    (println "body")
    42)              ; -> 42


The basic conditional statement of alisp is the if form – (if COND THEN ELSE). If the form COND evaluates to something true, the single THEN form is evaluated. If COND evaluates to false, the ELSE form is evaluated. The ELSE part can be actually be a sequence of forms that will get evaluated. If you want to evaluate several forms in the THEN part, you’ll have to use the prog form.


(if t (println "true") (println "false"))
(if nil (progn
          (println "true")
          (println "true"))
  (println "false"))

(if nil  (println "true")
  (println "false")
  (println "false agian"))

For convince there are also the when and unlsess forms. Both take a condition and a list of forms that are to be evaluated. For when, the forms will be evaluated if the condition is true, and for else - if the condition is false. Both return the value of the last evaluated form.

(when t (println "true") (println "true again"))

(unless nil (println "false") (println "false again"))


In alisp a switch statement is acts a little bit differently than the usual. The cond form is used to choose among several alternatives. It takes an arbitrary number of clauses of the form (CONDITION BODY-FROMS). cond will execute the body of the first form for which the condition evaluates to true. The clauses are checked in the order they are given in.


 ((!= 10 10) (println "10 == 10 is false"))
 ((== 10 10) (println "10 == 10 is true"))
 (t (println "executes always")))

If the condition of a clause is simple t, it is essentially like the default clause in a switch expression. If it is at the end, it will be executed if none of the other conditions were evaluated to something truthy.


The while statement is provided by the while form – (while COND BODY). Body will be executed repeatedly until the condition evaluates to true.


(while 't
  (println "body")
  (println "body"))

Iterating over list#

The equivalent of a ranged-for loop in alisp is the dolist form – (dolist (EL LIST) BODY). Body will be executed for each element in LIST. EL should be a valid symbol name and it will be bound to echo element of the list for the corresponding execution.


(dolist (s '("a" "b" "c"))
  (print s "-"))
;  -> a-b-c-


(import 'math)

(import 'math :as 'new-math)
(import 'math :from "./")

(import 'math (sin))
(import 'math (sin :as new-sin))
(import 'math)

(math.sin 72.0)
((modref 'math 'sin) 72.0)