

The math provides more complicated math functions. Often these function are just wrappers around the standard C++ functions.


hypot : (hypot VALUE)

Compute square root of the sum of the squares of two given numbers.

cbrt : (cbrt VALUE)

Compute cubic root.

fdim : (fdim VALUE)

Compute positive difference of two floating point values.

lgamma : (lgamma VALUE)

Compute the natural logarithm of the gamma function.

pow : (pow VALUE)

Raise a number to the given power.

tgamma : (tgamma VALUE)

Compute the gamma function.

erfc : (erfc VALUE)

Compute the complementary error function.

floor : (floor VALUE)

Return the nearest integer not greater than the given value.

asinh : (asinh VALUE)

Compute the inverse hyperbolic sine.

toradians : (toradians VALUE)

Return the VALUE(given in degrees) in radians.

sqrt : (sqrt VALUE)

Compute square root.

todegrees : (todegrees VALUE)

Return the VALUE(given in radians) in degrees.

isnan : (isnan VALUE)

Return t if VALUE is not a number and nil otherwise.

erf : (erf VALUE)

Compute the error function.

ceil : (ceil VALUE)

Return the nearest integer not less than the given value.

log : (log VALUE)

Compute natural (base e) logarithm.

sinh : (sinh VALUE)

Compute hyperbolic sine.

isinf : (isinf VALUE)

Return t if VALUE is infinity and nil otherwise.

cosh : (cosh VALUE)

Compute hyperbolic cosine.

sin : (sin VALUE)

natural logarithm (to base e) of 1 plus the given number

asin : (asin VALUE)

Compute arc sine.

acosh : (acosh VALUE)

Compute the inverse hyperbolic cosine.

tan : (tan VALUE)

Compute tangent.

log2 : (log2 VALUE)

Base 2 logarithm of the given number.

exp2 : (exp2 VALUE)

Compute binary exponential function

exp : (exp VALUE)

Compute exponential function.

expm1 : (expm1 VALUE)

Return e raised to the given power, minus one

log1p : (log1p VALUE)

atan : (atan VALUE) Compute arc tangent.

cos : (cos VALUE)

Compute cosine.

log10 : (log10 VALUE)

Compute common (base 10) logarithm.

acos : (acos VALUE)

Compute arc cosine.

tanh : (tanh VALUE)

Compute hyperbolic tangent.


min-real : The minimal value that a real number can take.

inf-int : Value used to represent infinity

E : The value of E (2.71828...)

min-int : The min value that an integer can take.

TAU : The value of Tau (2xPi)

PI : The value of Pi (3.14159265....)

max-real : The maximal value that a real number can take.

max-int : The maximal value that an integer can take.