

The json module can be used to parse and handle json-formated text. It can transoform JSON to an equvalent representation through s-expressions.

The s-exp representation that this module uses for an dict-like strucure is plist. A dictonary with keys and values can be viewed as a list of values like (:key-1 "value-1" :key-2 "value-2"). For example, this json snippet:

  "key-1" : "value-1",
  "key-2" : 42,
  "key-3" : [42 ,42],
  "key-4" : ["42" , "42"]

will be represented throught the following s-expressions structure.

(:key-1 "value-1" :key-2 42 :key-3 (42 42) :key-4 ("42" "42"))

The resulting representaion can be handeld through some of the functions that the module provides.


dump-file : (dump-file PATH ALIST)

Save the a json formated string representation of ALIST in the file pointed by PATH.

load-file : (load-file PATH)

Parse the contents of a file as json and return a alist representation of the json.

json-dump : (json-dump ALIST)

Convert a alist to a json formated string. Return the formated string.

json-parse : (json-parse STRING)

Parse a json formated string and return a alist representation of the json


json-signal : Signal raised when the json parser encounters an error.