

The re module provides support for working with regular epxression. Compiled expressions are supported and one can customized the compiling as well as the mathcing with the expresions through certain flags.

Internally re uses the C++ standard library for compiling and matching with regex. Through flags, you can build a regex acording one of several standards.

The symbols starting with re-match- modify the matching process, the symbols starting with re-regex- modify the building of a regex.



Try matching a part of STRING with the regex object or regex-string and replace it with REPLACEMENT. Return the new string.

Optional flags for the mathing can be passed throught the MATCH_FLAGS list.

re-match : (match [REGEX|STRING] STRING [MATCH_FLAGS])

Try to match the whole of string STRING with the given regex object or regex-string. Return nil if the match fails and return a list of the match result if the match succeeds. The first element of the list will be the whole match, subsequent elements will correspond to the matched groups.

Optional flags for the mathing can be passed throught the MATCH_FLAGS list.

re-search : (re-search [REGEX|STRING] STRING [MATCH_FLAGS])

Search for matching substring in STRING with the regex object or regex-string. In contrast to re-match, this functions does not try to match the whole string but find a part of the string that matches the regex. Return a list with the resutls of the searching.

Optional flags for the mathing can be passed throught the MATCH_FLAGS list.

re-search-all : (re-search-all [REGEX|STRING] STRING [MATCH_FLAGS])

Search for all the matches of a regexc in a string. This function is like applying re-serach several times and finding all the matches of the regex in a given string. Return a list of lists that are the results of the individual matches.

Optional flags for the mathing can be passed throught the MATCH_FLAGS list.

re-compile : (re-compile REGEX_STRING [BUILD_FLAGS_LIST])

Compile the regex given in the string and return a resource object to the created regex. Optionaly, build flags can be passed through the BUILD_FLAGS_LIST list.


re-regex-egrep : Build flag: Use the regular expression grammar used by the grep utility, with the -E option, in POSIX. This is effectively the same as the extended option with the addition of newline '\n' as an alternation separator in addtion to '|'.

re-regex-extended : Build flag: Use the basic POSIX regular expression grammar

re-regex-collate : Build flag: Character ranges of the form "[a-b]" will be locale sensitive.

re-regex-optimize : Build flag: Instructs the regular expression engine to make matching faster, with the potential cost of making construction slower. For example, this might mean converting a non-deterministic FSA to a deterministic FSA.

re-regex-nosubs : Build flag: When performing matches, all marked sub-expressions (expr) are treated as non-marking sub-expressions (?:expr)

re-regex-grep : Build flag: Use the regular expression grammar used by the grep utility in POSIX. This is effectively the same as the basic option with the addition of newline '\n' as an alternation separator.

re-regex-icase : Build flag: Character matching should be performed without regard to case.

re-regex-awk : Build flag: Use the regular expression grammar used by the awk utility in POSIX

re-match-format-first-only : Matching flag: Only replace the first match in re-replace

re-match-not-bol : Matching flag: The first character in [first,last) will be treated as if it is not at the beginning of a line (i.e. ^ will not match [first,first)

re-match-default : Default flag when matching a regex.

re-match-not-eol : Matching flag: The last character in [first,last) will be treated as if it is not at the end of a line (i.e. $ will not match [last,last)

re-match-any : Matching flag: If more than one match is possible, then any match is an acceptable result

re-match-continous : Matching flag: Only match a sub-sequence that begins at first

re-match-not-bow : Matching flag: \b" will not match [first,first)

re-match-prev-avail : Matching flag: --first is a valid iterator position. When set, causes match_not_bol and match_not_bow to be ignored

re-match-not-eow : Matching flag: "\b" will not match [last,last)

re-match-format-sed : Matching flag: Use POSIX sed utility rules in re-replace. (syntax documentation)

re-match-not-null : Matching flag: Do not match empty sequences

re-match-format-default : Matching flag: Use ECMAScript rules to construct strings in re-replace (syntax documentation)

re-regex-basic : Build flag: Use the Modified ECMAScript regular expression grammar

re-regex-ecma_script : Build flag: Specifies that ^ shall match the beginning of a line and $ shall match the end of a line, if the ECMAScript engine is selected.

re-match-format-no-copy : Matching flag: Do not copy un-matched strings to the output in re-replace