

The time module provides utility functions for working with time and dates.

The module provides access to several internal clocks of the C++ standard library.


t-s : (t-s TIME)

Convert TIME in seconds to seconds as as real number.

t-hr : (t-hr TIME)

Convert TIME in hours to seconds as as real number.

t-ms : (t-ms TIME)

Convert TIME in miliseconds to seconds as as real number.

t-ns : (t-ns TIME)

Convert TIME in nanoseconds to seconds as as real number.

t-clock-time-ns : Return the current time in nanoseconds as a real number according to the given clock. CLOCK can be: * system-clock * steady-clock * high-res-clock

t-clock-time : (t-clock-time CLOCK)

Return the current time in seconds as a real number according to the given clock. CLOCK can be: * system-clock * steady-clock * high-res-clock

t-localtime : (t-localtime TIME)

Return a list of the form (seconds, minutes, hours month day, month, year, week day, year day, leap year) representing the time TIME as a local time.

t-sleep : (t-sleep TIME)

Block the current thread for TIME miliseconds.

t-gmtime : (t-gmtime TIME)

Return a list of the form (seconds, minutes, hours month day, month, year, week day, year day, leap year) representing the time TIME as a GM time.

t-mktime : (t-mktime TIME-LIST)

Convert a time list of the form (seconds, minutes, hours month day, month, year, week day, year day, leap year) to time (seconds) since the beginning of the epoch. The values in the time list are permitted to be outside their normal ranges.

t-ctime : (t-ctime [TIME])

Return a textural representation of the current time. If TIME is given, use this time to construct the string.

t-time : (t-time)

Return the current calendar time in seconds.

t-process-time : (t-process-time)

Returns the approximate processor time used by the process since the beginning of an implementation-defined era related to the program's execution. To convert result value to seconds divide it by clocks-pre-second.

t-strftime : (t-strftime FORMAT-STRING TIME-LIST)

Return the restulting string by formating FROMAT-STRING with the time list TIME-LIST. The ruls for formating are the same as in the C++ page for the strftime function . The time list is of the form as by the t-mktime and t-gmtime functions.


system-clock : Integer representing the system-wide real time wall clock.

high-res-clock : Integer representing a clock with the smallest tick period provided by the implementation.

steady-clock : Integer representing a monotonic clock. The time points of this clock cannot decrease as physical time moves forward and the time between ticks of this clock is constant.

clocks-pre-second : Number of clock ticks per second. Clock ticks are units of time of a constant but system-specific length.