

The platform module exposes infomration about the Alisp interpreter, the underlying operating system and information about it as well as how the intrpterter was compiled.



enabled-stack-trace : t if the interpreter was compiled with support for keeping of the called functions. If stack tracing is enabled, on error the interpreter will print out the state of the stack at the moment of the error.

enabled-stack-trace : t if the interpreter was compiled with support for keeping of the called functions. If stack tracing is enabled, on error the interpreter will print out the state of the stack at the moment of the error.

enabled-stack-trace : t if the interpreter was compiled with support for keeping of the called functions. If stack tracing is enabled, on error the interpreter will print out the state of the stack at the moment of the error.

disabled-checks : t if the interpreter was compiled without checks of argument types by functions. This includes arity checks as well some other sanity checks that keep the interpreter stable. Without those, you can expect segmentaion faults when the interpreted code is invalid. However, disabling checkes may or may not increase performance.

os : The name of the current os. The value can be: * linux * windows-32 * windows-64 * max-osx * max-osx * freebsd * unix * unknown

alisp-version : A string of the version of the alisp interpreter.

alisp-version-minor : The minor versin of the alisp interpreter.

max-evaluation-depth : The maximum number of evalution nesting that the evaluator supports. This is the depth limit of drcptrddoind in alisp.

alisp-version-major : The major versin of the alisp interpreter.

alisp-version-patch : The patch versin of the alisp interpreter.

max-call-depth : The maximum number of function calls that can be nested in one another.

compiler-name : The name of the compiler with which the interpreter was compiled.

enabled-stack-trace : t if the interpreter was compiled with support for keeping of the called functions. If stack tracing is enabled, on error the interpreter will print out the state of the stack at the moment of the error.

compiler-version : The vesion of the compiler (in a string format) with which the interpreter was compiled.

arch : The computer architecture that the interpreter is running on. Possible values are: * i386 * x86_64 * arm * power64pc * aarch64 * unknown

build-info : Info string about the build of the interpreter. This gets printed out when the interpreter is started.