

The locale module provides support for dealing with POSIX locales. This allows developers to handle culture specific issues in an application.

Internally the module uses the standard C++ library and proves "sensible" access to the underlying functions.

Locales can be created through the locale function with a name such as en_US.utf8 or 'en_GB.utf8'. You can execute locale -a in a terminal to see all of the locales that the host system supports. A valid locale id is any one of the these locales.


num-true-name : (num-true-name [LOCALE])

Return the string used to represent true according to the global locale or the LOCALE if given.

isdigit : (isdigit CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a digit character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

isxdigit : (isxdigit CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a hexdecimal digit character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

isalpha : (isalpha CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a graphical character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

isprint : (isprint CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a printable character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

ispunct : (ispunct CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a punctuation character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

num-false-name : (num-false-name [LOCALE])

Return the string used to represent false according to the global locale or the LOCALE if given.

isgraph : (isgraph CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a graphical character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

reset-locale : (reset-locale)

Reset the global locate to the default locale.

put-num : (put-num NUMBER [LOCALE])

Return a textural representation of NUMBER as a number according to the global locale or LOCALE if given.

locale-name : (locale-name [LOCALE]

Return the name of the global default locale. If LOCALE is given, return its name. )

money-thousand-sep : (money-thousand-sep [LOCALE])

Return the character used for deciaml point in money strings as used by the global locale or the LOCALE if given.

set-preffered-locale : (set-preffered-locale)

Set the global locale to the preffered (according to the host system) locale.

money-positive-sign : (money-positive-sign [LOCALE])

Return the character used to represent positive amount of money accrding by the global locale or the LOCALE if given.

set-locale : (set-locale LOCALE)

Change the current global default locale to LOCALE.

islower : (islower CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a lower case character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

iscntrl : (iscntrl CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a control character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

locale : (locale ID)

Create a new locale with the given id as s tring and return a resource object for it.

isblank : (isblank CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a blank character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

isspace : (isspace CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a space character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

put-time : (put-time TIME FORMAT-STRING [LOCALE])

Return a fromated string of FORMAT-STRING with TIME acording to the global locale or LOCALE if given.

isalnum : (isalnum CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is alpha-numerical character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

put-money : (put-money NUMBER [LOCALE])

Return a textural representation of NUMBER as currency according to the global locale or LOCALE if given.

money-decimal-point : (money-decimal-point [LOCALE])

Return the character used for deciaml point in money strings as used by the global locale or the LOCALE if given.

num-thousand-sep : (num-thousand-sep [LOCALE])

Return the character used to separate the thousands in the textual representation of real numbers according to the global locale or the LOCALE if given.

money-symobl : (money-symbol [LOCALE])

Return the character used to represent the local currrency accrding by the global locale or the LOCALE if given.

isupper : (isupper CHAR [LOCALE])

Check if CHAR is a upper case character according to the default locale or to LOCALE if given.

money-negative-sign : (money-negative-sign [LOCALE])

Return the character used to represent negative amount of money accrding by the global locale or the LOCALE if given.

num-decimal-point : (num-decimal-point [LOCALE])

Return the character used for decimal point in textural representation of real numbers according to the global locale or the LOCALE if given.
