

The fmt module helps you format strings.

The formating is based on the python's Format Specification Mini-Language as well as the C++ library FMT. For most the things, internally alisp uses the mentioned library, but the fmt module implements its own formating from scratch.

The syntax for the formating strings is as close to FMT's syntax as possible. In most cases you can simply use {} for a replacement field. For further detail you can check out the link with the FMT's syntax.

To note is that the printf and fmt functions in the fmt module use the same syntax.


eprintfln : (eprintfln FORMAT_STRING [ARG]...)

Print the string FORMAT_STRING formated with the given arguments on the standard error stream followed by a new line.

eprintf : (eprintf FORMAT_STRING [ARG]...)

Print the string FORMAT_STRING formated with the given arguments on the standard error stream.

printfln : (printf FORMAT_STRING [ARG]...)

Print the string FORMAT_STRING formated with the given arguments on the standard output followed by a new line.

printf : (printf FORMAT_STRING [ARG]...)

Print the string FORMAT_STRING formated with the given arguments on the standard output.

fmt : (fmt FORMAT_STRING [ARG]...)

Return a string resulting from the formating FORMAT_STRING with the given arguments.

(fmt "this is formated wiht {} and {}" 42 "some words")
